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The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama program (ESAD) (officially recognized higher education degree, equivalent to a four-year Grau degree in Catalan universities).












The Studio Training Program (Escola Lliure) was where all students at Eòlia had been enrolled until the official recognition of the Conservatory’s BFA in Drama degree program. This Studio Training Program continues to be a fundamental part of our academic offering.


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Eòlia and Granés Batxillerat have joined forces to provide a better and more specialized preparation for high school students who seek to enter the world of the performing arts, whether be for actor training, theatre directing, playwriting, television screenwriting, etc.







El Planter, Eòlia’s school for children and young adults, is the precursor to the professional school and acts as a foundation for the adults’ school. Therefore the work, faculty, and content of both programs are exactly the same for both levels. The youth program and the adult program share a common mission and integrity, but the Planter youth program specializes in –and has extensive experience and passion for— accompanying and respecting the process of childhood development.



Study at Eòlia

Nova EÃ’LIA, S.L. 

C/Casp 82, baixos

08010 Barcelona
Tel: 933 192 397


© 2014 by Nova EÃ’LIA, S.L.


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