Fall 2014- Spring 2015
Sing & much more
(ages 6-9)
Frozen - the Musical
(ages 7-11)
November 2014 - March 2015
Connecting Your Breath to Text and/or Song Fitzmaurice Voicework® Workshop
Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 of April 2015

Eòlia International

Adapted from the novel by Douglas Coupland. Adaptation and direction: Àlex Mañas February 6th-8th 2015 Friday and Saturday at 20:30h Sunday at 19h

Eòlia, Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, is an innovative higher education center for the arts located in the heart of Barcelona.The conservatory is a member of the European Higher Education Area and is officially accredited by the Catalan Government for the training of actors, theater directors and playwrights.
Eòlia provides its students with a high quality training in the performing arts that places a strong emphasis on practical experience and the collaboration of actors, playwrights and directors. We seek to help our students further develop their unique artistic selves.
Eòlia offers two accredited higher education degrees:
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama with a concentration in Acting, with its sub-specializations of Musical Theater and Film and Television for actors.
- Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama with a concentration in Theater Directing and Dramaturgy.
Both are four-year degree programs and are officially recognized to be equivalent to a bachelor’s degree.
A few words about Eòlia
Our faculty
International exchanges
One of our conservatory’s principle development objectives on an international level is to build bridges with other schools, universities, theaters, and cultural institutions to grant our students greater mobility and to make it possible for students from other countries to study in Barcelona within the framework of the Erasmus Program, or through similar exchanges. In addition to student exchanges, Eòlia also seeks to increase faculty exchanges and foster group projects between institutions.
We believe that cultural and linguistic immersion allows students to gain perspective about creative expression and see the world from a different angle, which in turn helps them to mature as artists.
To learn more about the kinds of exchanges we offer, please click here.

Now Playing at Eòlia's Plataforma i+d Theatre
Generació X (February 6-8)
Opera at Eòlia
Feb 17th, March 3rd, April 14th, May 12th and June 30th
More info here (in Catalan)
The faculty at Eòlia is made up of specialists and active professionals from the fields of dramaturgy, directing, acting, voice and dance, which allows our students to be directly connected to the professional world throughout their training.
Our visiting faculty have included Christine Adaire, James de Paul, Javier Daulte, Maureen Scott, Serge Wilfart, Kurt Widmer, Catherine Fitzmaurice, Saul Kotzubei, among others.

We are excited to announce that has Eòlia has recently signed an agreement with the School of Theatre & Music of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to set up a student exchange beginning in fall 2015 for our undergraduate theatre students.
For more information about the School of Theatre & Music, please click here.