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Outgoing mobility (Eòlia students)


The Centre’s linguistic policy with its own students - if they want to be part of a European mobility project – will be oriented and structured by the Education department, together with the International department and with the Mobility Tutor’s collaboration.


Eòlia will ensure that their mobile staff and students are given sufficient preparation for their mobility periods. In addition to language preparation (English classes are provided, free of charge, by Eòlia throughout the academic year), prior to their mobility students will also be briefed on cultural differences and practical travel information by the Head of Mobility and former mobility students.


The proficiency level will be agreed upon between the partner institutions and specified in the learning agreement, and be evaluated before students’ mobility takes place, and will be measured against the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Eòlia’s outbound students also have the opportunity to take core curriculum courses in English beginning in their third year, which will further prepare them for studies in English when abroad.


Incoming Mobility (visiting students)



All incoming students will receive linguistic support through language exchanges (tandems) with students at Eòlia (2nd year and above). Throughout their stay these local student “buddies” will be permanent mentors to these visiting students.


Our goal is to allow incoming students to become immersed in the local linguistic context and culture.


If necessary, introductory language courses in Catalan or Spanish will also be offered to mobile students.



For visiting staff (for a minimum 2-month period), Eòlia will also offer language exchanges with other staff or purchase supportive language courses. 

Language Policy

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